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YMSPCB – PCB Prototype & PCB Assembly Manufacturer

With over 10 years as an industry leader, YMS is one of the most experienced PCB assembly and fabricant de PCB in China.

We are proud to manufacture high-quality PCBs and provide the best PCB assembly services for our customers.At the same time, we provide a safe and prosperous environment for over 200 employees to work in. Our goal is to be categorized as the easiest Printed Circuit Board manufacturer to do business with.

To achieve that goal, we prioritize our customers and make sure all their questions are duly answered. Our record of success sets us apart from our competitors.

We specialize in providing companies of all sizes with full-range and high-quality PCB fabrication,PCB assembly services. We can cover from quickturn PCB prototyping to full production, part kitting to full turn-key assembly and PCB design instructions to PCB material suggestions. And We ship internationally, so regardless of where your company is located, explore our wide range of PCB services today. Our one-stop PCB production solutions shorten your products’ time to market, dramatically improving return on investment (ROI) of OEMs.

If you’re looking for a reliable PCB manufacturer, the search is over. As one of the most popular PCB fabrication companies in China, YMSPCB is the place to go for all your PCB fabrication needs.

Sobre nosaltres

If you’re looking for a reliable PCB manufacturer, the search is over. As one of the most popular PCB fabrication companies worldwide, YMSPCB is the place to go for all your PCB fabrication needs.

  • Customized Design

    Customized Design

    Rely on us to produce PCBs meeting your exacting standards every step of the way. We can deliver your boards in as few as two days with our expedited service plan, or two weeks for most other orders. Our low-cost, low-volume assembly lets you see your designs in action right away, without significant upfront financial or time investment. If you need a test before ordering the full batch, we also offer solutions for your prototype PCB needs! For a complete list of our Manufacturing and Assembly Capabilities, check out the following pages: • Custom PCB Manufacturing Service covers rigid PCBs, flex PCBs, MCPCBs, Rogers PCBs, etc.
  • Equip de PCB

    Equip de PCB

    Ims ha invertit grans sumes de diners per introduir la producció moderna i equips de prova i el programari dels Estats Units, Japó, Alemanya, Taiwan, etc, i l'avanç de la capacitat del procés.
  • Les capacitats tecnològiques de PCB

    Les capacitats tecnològiques de PCB

    Amb més de 10 anys com a líder de la indústria, i més és un dels fabricants muntatge de PCB i PCB amb més experiència a la Xina. Estem orgullosos de fabricar PCB d'alta qualitat i proporcionar els millors serveis de muntatge de PCB per als nostres clients. El nostre objectiu és ser categoritzat com el fabricant més fàcil de placa de circuit imprès per fer negocis.
  • Lliurament de PCB

    Lliurament de PCB

    Ims compta amb equips de producció avançats i capacitat per complir amb la nostra producció d'una gamma completa de productes. la nostra única, tauler de doble capa pot lliurar dins de les 48 hores; 4-6 capes poden lliurar a menys de 76 hores; 8-12 capes poden oferir dins de les 96 hoursour; 14-18 capes pot lliurar dins dels 120 hoursour.products inclouen: HDI, Junta gruixuda d'or, placa multicapa d'alta densitat, cec enterrat bord forat de múltiples capes, PCB d'alumini, FLEX + rígids, substrat de coure, rígid tauler combinació flexible, Junta Especial.
  • certificació


    Ims creu que la qualitat dels productes és la base del desenvolupament d'una empresa. Pel que la nostra empresa té la qualitat ben controlada pels enginyers professionals de cap de package.we han aprovat certificacions com ISO9001, ISO 14001, UL, CQC, etc i es va establir un sistema de vigilància i prevenció de la qualitat del so per assegurar l'estabilitat de la qualitat dels productes.

últimes notíciesúltimes notícies

  • Single-Layer vs. Multilayer PCBs – How do they differ?
  • The Advantages of HDI PCBs and their Applications
  • Fr4 is the best material for multilayer pcb?
  • Single-Layer vs. Multilayer PCBs – How do they differ?

    Introduction   Before designing a printed circuit board, you must decide whether to use a single-layer or multi-layer PCB. Both types of design are used in many everyday devices. The kind of project you are using the board for will determine which one is best for you. Multi-layer boards are mor...

  • The Advantages of HDI PCBs and their Applications

    If you’re in a fast-moving industry, you need to know about high density interconnect PCB. Because some of your competitors are already start to use them. High density interconnect PCBs are a way of making more room on your PCB to make them more efficient and allow for faster transmission. ...

  • How Multilayer PCBs Are Made: What You Need to Know

    What is High-Frequency PCB High-frequency PCBs generally provide a frequency range of 500MHz to 2 GHz, which can meet the needs of high-speed PCB design, microwave, radiofrequency and mobile applications. When the frequency is higher than 1 GHz, we can define it as high ...

  • Fr4 is the best material for multilayer pcb?

      One of the greatest hand-me-downs that can be passed on or embraced is a good tradition. For example, getting together with family for traditional holiday meals provides some of my most cherished memories year after year. And it is my hope that these will continue to be passed down foreve...

  • What are Castellated Holes on a PCB?

     Castellated Holes or Castellations are indentations created in the form of semi-plated holes on the edges of the PCB boards. These Castellations help to mount one PCB board on top of another during assembly. Depending upon the application, instead of half holes, they may also look like a small o...

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