China HDI PCB 12 Layer 2 Step HDI Board | YMS PCB factory and manufacturers | Yongmingsheng
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HDI PCB 12 Layer 2 Step HDI Board | YMS PCB

Deskrizzjoni fil-qosor:

HDI PCB is the short form of high-density interconnect printed circuit board, a kind of printed circuit board manufacturing technology.

L PCB HDI is a circuit board with a relatively high circuit density that uses micro-blind and buried “via”—or the copper-plated holes in PCBs—technology.

HDI PCB are compact products designed for small-capacity users, as they cost much more than standard PCB.

The birth of the HDI PCBs brings more possibilities for portable electronic devices and more challenges for PCB manufacturers.

For accommodating the trend of miniaturization and multifunction of electronics, YMS has done a lot to improve the level of equipment and staff professionalism.

You can be assured to offer us the HDI designs, and we will give you a satisfactory service and HDI products.

Dettall tal-prodott


prodott Tags


Saffi: 12

Base Material:FR4 High Tg EM827

Ħxuna : 1.2 ± 0.1mm

Min.Hole Size:0.15mm

Minimum Line Width/Space:0.075mm/0.075mm

Approvazzjoni Minima bejn Inner Layer PTH u Line : 0.2mm


Aspect Ratio: 8: 1

Trattament tal-wiċċ: ENIG

Speciality: Laser via copper plated shut,VIPPO Technology,Blind Via and Buried Hole

Applikazzjonijiet: Telekomunikazzjoni

What is  HDI PCBs?

High density interconnect (HDI) PCBs represent one of the fastest-growing segments of the printed circuit board market. Because of its higher circuitry density, the PCB HDI design can incorporate finer lines and spaces, smaller vias and capture pads, and higher connection pad densities. A high-density PCB features blind and buried vias and often contains microvias that are .006 in diameter or even less.

1.Multi-pass HDI jippermetti l-konnessjoni bejn kwalunkwe saffi;

2.Cross-saff ipproċessar laser jistgħu jtejbu l-livell ta 'kwalità ta' HDI multi-pass;

3.Il-kombinazzjoni ta 'HDI u materjali ta' frekwenza għolja, laminati bbażati fuq metall, FPC u laminati u proċessi speċjali oħra jippermettu lill-ħtiġijiet ta 'densità għolja u l-frekwenza għolja, tmexxija sħana għolja, jew assemblaġġ 3D.


Kapaċitajiet tal-manifattura tal-PCB YMS HDI :

Ħarsa ġenerali lejn il-kapaċitajiet tal-manifattura tal-PCB YMS HDI
Karatteristika kapaċitajiet
Għadd ta 'Saffi 4-60L
Disponibbli HDI PCB Technology 1 + N + 1
2 + N + 2
3 + N + 3
4 + N + 4
5 + N + 5
Kull saff
Ħxuna 0.3mm-6mm
Linja Minima Wisa 'u Spazju 0.05mm / 0.05mm (2mil / 2mil)
BGA PITCH 0.35mm
Daqs Min Imtaqqab bil-lejżer 0.075mm (3nil)
Daqs Min Imtaqqab mekkaniku 0.15mm (6mil)
Proporzjon tal-Aspett għal toqba tal-lejżer 0.9: 1
Proporzjon tal-Aspett għal toqba li tgħaddi 16: 1
Finish tal-wiċċ HASL, HASL mingħajr ċomb, ENIG, Landa tal-Immersjoni, OSP, Fidda tal-Immersjoni, Saba 'Deheb, Deheb iebes bl-Electroplating, OSP ective ENEPIG.etc Selettiv.
Permezz tal-Għażla tal-Imla Il-via huwa miksi u mimli b'epoxy konduttiv jew mhux konduttiv imbagħad mgħotti u miksi
Ram mimli, mimli bil-fidda
Laser permezz tar-ram magħluq
Reġistrazzjoni ± 4mil
Maskra tal-Istann Aħdar, Aħmar, Isfar, Blu, Abjad, Iswed, Vjola, Iswed Matte, aħdar Matte eċċ.

Tista 'Tħobb:

1、The application range and circuit advantage of HDI board are introduced

2、PCB production skills: HDI board CAM production method

3、 PCB tar- PCB design of 1 step, 2 step and 3step HDI

4、Proċess tal-Manifattura tal-PCB HDI

5、Fejn jintużaw il-PCBs HDI

6. Kif huma magħmula PCBs taċ-ċeramika

7. X'inhu PCB taċ-ċeramika?

8. X'inhu PCB ta 'veloċità għolja

9. What is multilayer PCB

10. Double Sided PCB | Types of PCB

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  • Li jmiss:

  • What is HDI in PCB?

    HDI Boards – High Density Interconnect

    What are the layers of a PCB?

    Substrate Layer.

    Copper Layer.

    Soldermask layer.

    Silkscreen layer.

    What is HDI stackup?

    HDI is short for high density interconnect, and refers to the use of buried, blind and micro vias as well as any layer HDIs to create compact boards.

  • Ikteb messaġġ tiegħek hawn u jibagħtu lill magħna
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